From the Pipeline v11.0

This entry is part [part not set] of 36 in the series From the Pipeline

The following will be a regular feature where we share articles, podcasts, and webinars of interest from the web. 

The Difference between Structured and Unstructured Exploratory Testing

“There are a lot of misunderstandings about exploratory testing. In some organizations exploratory testing is done unprofessionally and in an unstructured way—there’s no preparation, no test strategy, and no test design or coverage techniques. This leads to blinds spots in the testing, as well as regression issues. Here’s how one company made its exploratory testing more structured.”

Kubernetes: 4 Ways to Save IT Budget With Automation

Kubernetes is a tool used to manage and scale applications. In the article they provide four ways to save with Kubernetes, but be careful since they are lacking for metrics. The four are: (1) more efficient infrastructure management, (2) improved resource utilization, (3) increased developer productivity, and (4) increased operation team productivity.

Automating Safe, Hands-off Deployments

This is a great article on how to setup continuous deployment pipelines. It covers simple code reviews, unit testing, integrating testing, rollbacks, and different types of deployments. This article is part of a larger collection of Amazon’s Builder’s Library that is absolutely worth a read for anyone interested in CI/CD.

Technical Debt

As a follow-up from last week’s video by Doc Norton on Tech Debt, here is another solid piece of background by Allen Holub. He does a great job tethering the idea of tech debt as something that accrues naturally in Agile; this debt must be paid off regularly else it will accrue to the point it becomes impossible to pay off. He argues that debt does not necessarily come from sloppy decisions but rather a state of ignorance because we are learning as we work. Teams will learn by releasing and should improve their code based on that feedback.

DeepMind Sets AI Loose on Diplomacy Board Game, and Collaboration is Key

Diplomacy is a classic game of negotiation where a group of seven players make and break alliances in pre-WWI Europe. In the game, it’s difficult for any player to make progress (gaining territory) by working by themselves. They need allies to attack other players and grow. Although one player can win the game, most often games end in draws among multiple players. The link to AI for this game is to look at collaboration and teamwork for AI agents, where soft skills will be necessary to solve problems. In the simulation where bots replaced players as a way to train AI agents to learn trust & cooperation.

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